Covid-19 Update: 

Heritage has reopened!!

As of Sunday, May 31, we are excited to announce that our church has reopened for each of our weekly services, as follows:

Morning worship at 10:30am
Sunday evening service at 6:00pm
Wednesday prayer and Bible study at 7:00pm

(Note: There is no Sunday School at 9:30am during Phase 1.)

The Facebook or YouTube icons at the bottom of this page will give you access to our live streams and previous recordings respectively.We will be continuing to live stream via Facebook on Sundays at 10:30 am and 6:00 pm. Also on Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Important Service Guidelines Please Click Here for Information

We Believe


The sum of all our theological beliefs is Jesus Christ.

Everything we believe - all the details of our doctrine - spring from knowing God through His Son Jesus Christ. He's the reason we exist, the goal we aim for, and the explanation of life!

Here are a few distinctives you will find at HBC:

God Honoring Music. We believe the purpose of the worship service is to honor and exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. This is reflected in our use of traditional styled music.       
Faithful Expository Preaching. We believe it is the word of God that changes lives. At every service you will find the Bible carefully explained and taught.

Summary of some of the things we believe about specific Bible doctrines:

[Bible] - We believe the Bible is the word of God. It is without error, and it is the final authority for the believer. We believe God has promised to preserve His word. At HBC, the King James Version is the only english Bible we use.

[Salvation] - We believe salvation is a free gift from God, made only possible because of Christ’s work on the cross. We believe once a person is saved they become a child of God and cannot lose their salvation or have their salvation taken away.    

[God] - We believe in the trinity. God has always existed in three persons (the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit).  

[Church] - We believe a church is a visible, local body of baptized believers, organized for worship, service, and the spread of the Gospel.  

[Marriage] - We believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman.  

[Creation] - We believe God created the world in six literal, 24hour days, just as described in the Book of Genesis.  

[The Future] - We believe there will be a rapture of believers before the beginning of a seven year Tribulation. We believe Christ will return after the Tribulation to reign on earth for 1000 years. In other words, we are pretribulational and premillennial in our beliefs about Bible prophesy.  

[Heaven and Hell] - We believe a Christian, upon death or rapture, will enjoy eternal bliss in heaven. We believe those who reject Christ will, upon their death, be condemned for eternity in a place called hell (a place of fire and conscience torment).  

[Baptism] - Every believer should identify with the Lord through baptism (by immersion in water). While water baptism identifies the believer with the Lord, baptism does not save a person from their sins.  
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